Shailesh Gupta is the Vice President of Network Operations at Tata
Communications. Shailesh Gupta has a Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science & Technology) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management. He has over 23 years of experience in IT/Telecom/SP, and has been working at Tata Communications Ltd. for the last 14 Years (known as VSNL before 13 Feb 2008).
Shailesh has been actively involved in or led the following
projects :
- Internet re-launch in 1998
- Metro Ethernet roll out in 2005
- Setting up SOC & IPCC in 2006
- Wi-Max(16 d) deployment in 2007
- Teleglobe Integration in 2008
- Neotel NOC transition in 2011
- ACE (Automatic Config Engine) in 2012
He was a Scientist “SD” in National Informatics Center(NIC), Govt of
India for five years was associated with NICNET (India’s largest WAN),
C-Band/KU Band, Passport/ General Elections/Treasuries/Press
Information Bureau, UPNET projects, and was a Senior Network Executive
with Fujitsu ICL for four years. He has deployed various Mainframe(S-39)
& Mini (DRS-6000/K-1025) at IIT-D, IITK, LIC, SBI, SCB, Grindlays etc.