INNOG Organising Committee consists of 5 members and they are responsible for the overall working of INNOG, annual conferences, expenses, accounting, sponsorships etc. Essentially everything about the INNOG excluding the program. Program for INNOG events is managed by the INNOG Program Committee. INNOG is supported by the ISP Association of India (ISPAI) for logistics support.
Anil Kumar Jain (NIXI)
Natasha Rautela Saroha (ISP Association of India)
Pankaj Chaturvedi (Lightstorm Telecom)
Rajesh Chharia (ISP Association of India / CJ Online)
Sushil Kulkarni
Interested in joining Organising Committee?
If you would like to join INNOG Organising Committee to help us organise INNOG – drop a message to INNOG OC with an expression of interest.